Pre Tag

In some cases you may need to type the text onto your webpage so that it appears in its original format, including spaces/indentations. For instance, I may choose to place a block of programming code or mathematical problems onto my webpage so that they look exactly as I type them within notepad. Take a look at the two samples below and then view the source code to see how the <pre> tag functions.

Sample 1

	1)  120		2) 280
	   - 50		  -120
	   ____		  ____

Sample 2

If wrkWeight < 17 Then
   wrkCost = cstFirstLb
   wrkWeight = wrkWeight - 16
   wrkCost = cstFirstLb
   Do While wrkWeight > 0
       wrkCost = wrkCost + cstEvery4oz
       wrkWeight = wrkWeight - 4
End If